Frye Regional Medical Center has been certified as a 初级中风中心 by the Joint Commission, 美国历史最悠久,规模最大的医院认证机构. This distinction recognizes Frye Regional’s commitment to providing outstanding care 和治疗 to victims of 中风.
The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to ensuring 中风 patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, 基于最新科学证据的研究指南.
在美国每40秒发生一次, 有人中风了, and about every four minutes someone dies as a result of a 中风 according to the American Stroke Association. This makes 中风 the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and is the leading cause of disability.
当流向大脑的血液中断时,就会发生中风. Disruption in blood flow is caused when either a blood clot blocks one of the vital blood vessels in the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, 血液溢出到周围组织.
The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients in order to function. 即使是短暂的血液供应中断也会引起问题. 脑细胞在没有血液或氧气的几分钟后就开始死亡.
中风的症状很容易发现,因为它们发生得很快. 重要的是采取行动.A.S.T. in these situations because the most effective treatments for 中风 are available only within the first three hours after 症状 start. 注意以下中风的迹象:
If you or someone you know is having a 中风, be prepared to act promptly if there is sudden:
Recognizing the 症状 of a 中风 and seeking prompt medical care can greatly improve your chances of recovery.
当有人中风时,他们需要及时的紧急医疗护理. 中风时, 大脑的血液供应被切断或中断, 导致大脑的一部分缺少所需的富氧血液. The longer the brain goes without blood, the greater the chance a disability will occur.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducted a five-year study on the use of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), 一种抗凝血药. The study found that patients who received tPA within three hours of the first 中风 症状 were at least 30 percent more likely to recover with little or no disability after three months. 当一个人中风的时候, doctors must first determine whether the 中风 is caused by a clot (ischemic 中风) or by a ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhagic) before tPA can be used. 这是因为tPA只能用于缺血性中风, 哪种中风占所有中风的87%.
The goal of a 中风 team is to promptly assess the patient’s condition and order the tests needed to diagnose the type of 中风 involved. The team also works to stabilize the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, and other vital functions. If the tests show that the patient’s 中风 is the result of a blood clot blocking a vein in the brain, 然后给予tPA来帮助分解血栓. The team’s goal is to begin tPA within three hours of the first 症状 of a 中风.
After receiving appropriate emergency care, a 中风 patient is admitted to a 中风 unit. The 中风 unit has the equipment in place for continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition.
有些事情你可以改变,有些事情你不能. 例如, you can’t change the fact that you may have inherited your mother’s brown eyes or your father’s dimples. 或者你总是有一些中风的危险因素, 比如有中风家族史或者有过中风史, 或者做一个男人, 非裔美国人或55岁以上. 但是你会改变自己的其他方面,比如发色或体重. And you also have some influence over other risk factors for 中风 that may result from lifestyle choices. Here are a few tips to help you control these risk factors and potentially prevent a 中风.
Risk factors that can increase the chances of having a 中风 include high blood pressure, 心脏病, 吸烟, 糖尿病, 久坐的生活方式和高胆固醇. 有关中风治疗的更多信息, 和你的医生谈谈或访问国家中风协会的网站 www.中风.org.
应该每一到两年检查一次血压, 尤其是如果你的家族有高血压的话. 在理想的情况下, blood pressure should be below 140/90 mmHg because elevated pressure can damage blood vessels. Too much 胆固醇 can cause plaque buildup in the inner walls of the arteries, 最终减少血液流动或形成血凝块. Adults should have their 胆固醇 checked every five years or more often if they are being treated for high 胆固醇. Diabetes needs to be managed to prevent blood vessel damage throughout the body.
Cigarette smoke contains nicotine and carbon monoxide that can damage the cardiovascular system by narrowing blood vessels and causing blood clots.
吃不同种类的食物, 但是要限制饱和脂肪的摄入量, 反式脂肪, 胆固醇, 和钠. Smart food choices include plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins, 矿物质, 和纤维, 以及含有大量纤维的未经加工的全麦食品. 目标是每天至少吃五份水果和蔬菜, 选择无脂食品, 1%脂肪或低脂乳制品.
Being overweight may cause the body to turn excess fat and 胆固醇 into plaque in the blood vessels that can reduce blood flow to the brain. Additional weight also can make the heart work harder and increase blood pressure. Shedding even a few pounds can help lower blood pressure and improve 胆固醇 levels.
每天锻炼至少30分钟,大部分时间或全天都要锻炼. Regular physical activity burns calories and sheds extra pounds while helping the heart and blood vessels work better. 在开始一项新的锻炼计划之前,一定要咨询你的医生.
Men can have up to two drinks a day, while it is better for women to have just one. Too much alcohol can be detrimental to your health because it can increase blood pressure, 在你的饮食中增加空卡路里,提高胆固醇水平.
你可能不喜欢你的寡妇峰或附着的耳垂, 但你会喜欢这样的事实,你可以减少中风的一些危险因素. 有关中风危险因素的更多信息, 预防, 症状, 和治疗, 请访问美国中风协会网站 www.中风
欲知更多预防中风的资讯,请致电 828.315.5000 找中风协调员.